Wednesday, January 28, 2009

inHERview: Kirsten Michelle

as promised, here is my first inHERview with Kirsten Michelle. i invite you to get yourself a cup of tea, snuggle in and get cozy. prepare yourself to be warmed by the gentle fire of Kirsten's passion, touched by her spirited ways and nourished by her loveliness.

Who are you?
I am returning to this first question, having answered all the rest. Just as unsure of how to answer it as I was when I initially passed it over, which in and of itself probably reveals a great deal. If you ask me what I do, I'll answer that I am a homeschooling momma, but I am many things to many people and have spent a great deal of my life defining who I am based on those relationships. So, I suppose the answer is that I'm not entirely sure. That I am a woman on a journey to learn all that I can about myself. A woman with gifts to share and a hope that I will use them wisely.

Where can we find you?
These days I seem to be spending a great deal of time inside my head...but occasionally you'll find me peeking out: here and here and here.

What is your motto for living? Or, what's on the bumper sticker of your life?
The banner of Jen Lemen's blog just flashed before me, with her gentle words ~ "Hold your heart in all tenderness. Something healing this way comes." On another day, I imagine it might be something completely different.

How do you spend your days?
My days are spent in the company of my logical thinking boy and my dreamy, brown~eyed girl. Together we learn and play and grow. I, teaching them about life. They, teaching me about living.

How do you spend your nights?
Evenings are a time for quiet reflection. A chance to regroup before a new day of adventuring begins.

How do you spend your weekends?
Surrounded by family and friends, enjoying the simple pleasures of good company, good food & good music. They are an opportunity to reconnect at the end of a busy week and prepare for the one that lies ahead.

How do you define your tribe?
I am truly blessed to be a part of an amazing community of extraordinary women who remind me constantly, that I do not journey alone. That I am held, at all times, through periods of both darkness and light. They are my inspiration...offering their guidance, sharing their wisdom, nurturing me with their love.

What makes your heart sing?
My husband's hand in mine. My son's music. My daughter's eyes. Tea for two.

What do you care about?
So. many. things. So very many things, that sometimes it's unbearably overwhelming. Where I invest most of my energy I suppose, is in making choices that protect our planet, our children and their future.

What inspires you?
Photographs, stories, art and music from around the world. Individuals and organizations who champion hope.

Where and/or when do you feel most at home?
In the company of those who love me, simply as I am.

What is one question (in your life/journey) you are currently answering?
With SO MANY ways in which I could begin to make a difference, how shall I spend my finite energy?

What dream are you dreaming right now?
I'm dreaming of a tiny little photography studio of my very own...and of the promise of spring flowers nestled beneath the snow.

If you were to "tell the world just one thing" (as Jewel sings) what would that "one thing" be?
This song is a favorite of mine...I love the words and sentiment, beginning to end. There is such comfort in Jewel's words, "it would be that we're all OK," that I'm not sure I can really think of anything I need to believe more. We are living in a time of crisis and chaos, but hope is contagious and we are all connected...each to the other. Pass it on ;-)


liz elayne lamoreux said...

thank you so much for sharing these pieces of kirsten michelle...
made me smile widely to read her answers.

i look forward to reading future interviews!

Marianne said...

lovely interview with the very special kirsten michelle - thanks for asking her such interesting questions, it was a treat to read her answers.

Nicole said...

I really enjoyed reading this. hugs!

Pen said...

thank you for this lovely insight into a special woman.

goose said...

hearts dont get much prettier than hers....
jen gray

jenica said...

yay. i like her.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the hope-full commencement to your brilliant inHERview project. i enjoyed this introduction to kirsten michelle very much.


meghan said...

She is so beautiful and this interview shows what a delight she is as well.

A gentle, sweet soul.

Who else are you interviewing?!?! Looking forward to it!