Sunday, May 17, 2009

the goods: list 11

  • the question, "What is the yes that needs protecting these days?" a question offered at Abbey of the Arts in this post by Christine Valters Paintner.
  • i heart Susan Tuttle. check out this post & this interview. i can't wait to meet her in september!
  • indian food for dinner on saturday with my friend, t. a "kiddie" cup of ice cream for dessert.
  • this post on alchemy by Magpie Girl. i heart the word alchemy.
  • a sunday morning pilgrimage with two radiant women to walk a labyrinth. noticing - there is much, much, much to notice (drops & pools of water on leaves; the shapes & colors of stones laid by tiny hands & aged hands; bright green sprouts emerging everywhere). wondering - how many footsteps preceded my steps through this labyrinth? how many will follow? hearing - "trust the path. trust me." remembering - just this, just this, just this, just this. affirming - i am clear about my core commitment in this lifetime. feeling - the cool air & wind cleansing my inner body & outer skin. experiencing - myself at the center as pure, still, fierce & certain light. knowing - today i need a gentle day, a soft day.
  • "A day of Silence / Can be a pilgrimage in itself. / A day of Silence / Can help you listen / To the Soul play / Its marvelous lute and drum..." ~Hafiz
  • good*ness in the week ahead: lunch with n.; a picnic in the park with the fam to honor our bella love; a tea date with t.; and, a memorial day weekend journey to one of bella's favorite spots, which now holds this awe*some distinction.

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