Thursday, February 19, 2009

inHERview: jen gray

photo of jen gray

i heart jen gray.
i really, really do.
she is a graceful weaver of the threads in her "gypsy cowgirl" journey.
she is a sparklin' rock*star, fairy magic goddess & sage warrior.
she is a merry maker with one wild & wide open heart.
thank you, dear jen, for participating in the inHERview project. you matter so very much to me.

Who are you?
My name is Jen, and I'm just another gypsy cowgirl making my way through this life, trying to do the best I can.

Where can we find you?
There's a little bit of me on my blog ~ But hopefully you will find me outside somewhere playing hard, getting messy, collecting stories.

What is your motto for living? Or, what's on the bumper sticker of your life?
"let us go laughing..." (which is from a song written by Bruce Cockburn)

How do you spend your days?
I work as a photographer/photo stylist, primarily on the commercial end, and I also help run a non for profit organization for children.

How do you spend your nights?
I love when Barron comes home, and we chat about the day, cook some grub, and curl up on the couch listening to our favorite tunes. Summer will change this, and those nights will be spent outside on the porch or walking down by the river, riding out to our favorite little spots....

How do you spend your weekends?
I really like to lay low, with the ones i love...keep it simple and keep it easy.

How do you define your tribe?
Those with whom I share a kinship of the heart.

Who is a part of your tribe?
My family, my partner, my closest friends, aspects of nature, and our pets. My tribe is not exclusive, as I believe people come into our lives for certain purposes and sometimes need to leave when the soul work is done. I feel fatly-blessed with the people who are in my life. Seriously.

What makes your heart sing?
When I see people feeling good about their lives, when I am fully surrounded by nature and nothing man made, when I hear the ones I love laughing those hard kind of laughs.

What do you care about?
My care runs deep, and often causes me a great and heavy ache. I care about healing, i care about growth, i care about love, i care about goodness.

What inspires you?
*Nature ~ The Carribean, pine forests, the vast farmlands, thunderstorms, the critters, the plants, the scents and the colors that decorate it all.
*Music ~ singing, listening, dancing, playing.
*Love ~ for me, that is what living and dying is all about.
*And the thing I cannot really put words to, but its about my spiritual connection and belief and the mysticism that weaves throughout it.

Where and/or when do you feel most at home?
Surrounded by nature, away from chatter and world stuff. When I have my family or friends around me. Curled up with Barron and our cats in our bed. When i am aligned with grace...

What is one question (in your life/journey) you are currently answering?
How can i be in best service to the hearts of others while still keeping my soul juiced up and healthy.

What dream are you dreaming right now?
Its a dream that is still being weaved together, so I cant really find the words, but it's a good one.

If you were to "tell the world just one thing" (as Jewel sings) what would that "one thing" be?
that each of us matter so very much.


Marianne said...

Fabulous inherview with the divine Ms G


Anonymous said...

I heart Jen, too. She is a special being who deserves all the love she can get. Thank you for honoring her this way. I am proud to be able to say I know her - in spite of never having had the opportunity to meet her yet.

Kirsten Michelle said...

Ms. Jen Gray is a ~one a of a kind~ lovely...
I absolutely adore her!

Sandra said...

wow. delicious interview. I am savouring the words "keeping my soul juiced up and healthy" as a concept and a lovely line of poetry.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to feel the purity of Jen's passion. I agree, there is a soulful hunger only nature can satisfy.

kj said...

i follow and am inspired by this special girl too. she is an incredible photographer who 'sees' deep and full...

Anonymous said...

I love Jen Gray and the way she speaks the truth through her words and her pictures. She manages to be vulnerable and open at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I have never had the pleasure of actually meeting Jen, but I have been follwing her blog for a really really long time..She has opened up my eyes to the world with her writing and her photography!

Jen, keep on keeping on! You are great!

Alessandra Cave said...

Loved this! Thanks for gifting us with the magic of Jen Gray!

Swirly said...

Beautiful interview with a beautiful soul.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

loved reading this. jen simply shares magic with the world.

(this is such a great series of posts.)

beth said...

I love her so much !!!
and it was a dream to have met her last year at SQUAM !!!

I sooooo hope to see her sometime this summer when we go to chicago !!!

thanks for sharing her with us !!!

Elizabeth MacCrellish said...

thank you for this interview--- Jen is magic, grace and beauty! she is light and creativity and laughter. the world is more beautiful because she is in it. how lucky are we all that she shares herself with us so unstintingly!!

SO lucky!!!

Bisous, Elizabeth

jin said...

I also *heart* Jen Gray... thank you for a beautiful interview!

kelly barton art + design said...

i just want to squeeze this chick.
the rays flow from warm.

i too adore her.

thanks for this interview!

Colorsonmymind said...

I so love this woman......she is freakin fabulous, magical and so special....

loved reading this

pixie said...

love love love her words of wisdom her playful spirit thank you, droplets!