Friday, April 23, 2010

19 - 23 april 2010

  • digging Katherine Center. Katherine created the above button. i am looking forward to picking up her latest novel, Get Lucky, tomorrow. would you like one of her buttons? find buttons here.
  • read a fabulous article about time, written by Dan Sullivan. read the article here. learn about "Free Days", "Focus Days" and "Buffer Days."
  • walking under canopies of pink blossoms; beside front lawns {urban fields} of yellow and red tulips; and, through shower + rain bursts.
  • inspired by this post i thought about "what's hot now?" and in response i say: children {i have shared quite a bit of space with kiddies this week while on the subway as it's a vacation week for the little, growin' ones ~ the sweetest treat}; pausing or stopping rather than pushing ~ going with the flow; and, playing + being playFULL!
  • hearting Crystal Bowersox.
  • reading about Unschooling. i have been following Sara for a while now and she introduced me to the term, "Unschooling." i deeply, deeply, deeply appreciate and connect with Sara's voice and path.

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