Thursday, January 24, 2008

spirit speak & a funny

spirit speaks. she tells me:

*you beam.
*you glimmer.
*go gently.
*i gift you with: love, an open heart, spaciousness & adventure.
*i am here & i am there.
*remember to invite me in.
*you are connected.
*there is no separation.
*you are a pilgrim.
*it is your re-birthday! celebrate!
*this is where the "work" is. the "work" is always in the this, whatever/wherever this is (in the present moment).
*remember "we." we at all times. not just when you are praying your prayers. not just when you are practicing yoga or meditating. when you practice your french & while you figure out the digital camera & that new ipod; it's all we time. we're a we.
*let go.
*you are the fire.
*i am always holding space for you, protecting you, guarding you & your sacred journey. i am keeping watch.
*cultivate your posture of be-ing. ease. soften. relax.
*you are my partner.

today's funny: the yoga studio wasn't opening until 4:15 pm; it was 4:07 pm. seeking shelter from the cold i crossed the street & stepped inside a card store. i picked up a card that said something like: "i miss you. and, i am being brave. sobbing, yes. and, i am being brave." this is the card i'd send to bella today. it made me giggle out loud. the perfection.


bella said...

These words felt like they for me today.
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

pERiWinKle said...

beautiful remind of my sister in law who is truly 'connected' you! thank you! your words spoke to me as well xx