Monday, December 10, 2007


this weekend while visiting with my lovelies, sa & am...

i ate yummy thai food, pad ginger with chicken. i watched the last half of Never Been Kissed with sa after am went to sleep. i went to bed early and read a good book before sleep. i woke early and sipped tea; sa & am drank coffee. sa made us a late-ish morning breakfast (eggs, bacon, fried potatoes & toast). we found the perfect virginia christmas tree at edmond's in 50+ degree weather. we hung garland and pearl lights outside. we ate dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant on saturday night; we all got carded. we decorated the christmas tree. we celebrated our "christmas morning" on saturday night. we visited with sa & am's neighbors. we lit candles and incense. we listened to christmas music; several renditions of "O Holy Night", my favorite! we laughed a lot. i spoke the truth about what's hurting these days. i cried some. we created our own new moon ritual and created intentions. i created five intentions, which included these words: partnership, at home, alive, awake, grounding, rooting, fully inhabiting, living in alignment, joy-full and true expression. sa & am gave me a special gift for the long journey i'm making in 2+ months. i cuddled with their doggie dear & one of their kitties. and, we scheduled a date for our next visit!

it's all one big open door!

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