Tuesday, January 1, 2008


today in my city there is a huge & wild parade (as there is every year). i have been participating in the parade in my own way, in my pajamas in my little nest (located just a small block off the main route). the parade is still happening, as i write. can you hear it?! it's lively & color-full & festive. it's been happening for hours now.

moments ago, while reading, i paused. i thought about the perfection of this parade. today. for me. in this new year in my life. in one, teeny-tiny (humble) way i like to think that this parade is the universe's acknowledgment of the sense i have of this new year. i imagine for a sliver of a moment that all of the folks gathering (seen & unseen), hooting & howling are cheering me on, clapping for me, giving me a shout out and responding to my hopes & intentions for this new year. i delight in the perfection of this!

so dear ones, this parade is for *you, too, and for all of your hopes & intentions. for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! My prayer too: that the new year be entirely new.