Saturday, January 12, 2008


two years ago today was the last time i saw bella alive in her physical body (except for in my dreams). our family (momma, poppa, big bro & big sis) stood outside the security gate for as long as we could see her bright, shining face. we wished her well & sent her off with all of our love (over 20 years worth x 4 peeps who are madly-in-love-with-our-little-chick worth) wrapped around her little body & heart and running through her veins, as she began an adventure that none of us could ever have known/imagined. the adventure & the love is still unfolding...

as i may have said here before, "i'd do it again." i said this to our poppa hours after her death. i'd do it again. 100 million times x a gazillion times more. to know this kind of love. oh, it's so worth it. so beyond my comprehension. and, i realize: this is who god is (or, spirit, energy...). this is what god looks like. bella. she's the face of god. loving this way. this is what god looks like.

you are the face of god. i'm the face of god. your partners, hubbies, wives, kiddies, lovelies, acquaintances. you are encountering the face of god, smiling at, nodding to, holding, kissing, loving the face of god. keep loving 'em up....

1 comment:

bella said...

Love to you. For knowing in your bones you would do it again. For being who you are. For taking risks and living with an open heart.
Your words make me feel raw with wonder and power today.